Monday, December 18, 2023

How the Media Created Trump 2024.

How does a traitor, a criminal, a serial-liar who steals national secrets and denies election results that are unfavorable to him, become a presidential contender again? The media helped create the threat of a 2024 Trump resurgence. For one thing, they should have ignored him and allowed the courts to do their job. A traitor, fraudster, criminal would not be in the media cycle for months and months. Sure, it’s big news at each indictment, like it was for Harvey Weinstein, but then the press move on. Not so, with Trump. Despite the fact that everything he says has been shown to be lies, and he still lies about the 2020 election, they constantly bombarded us with him and his lying the band of cohorts, constantly saying that the election was stolen. Say something enough, and some people will believe you. More egregious, and this is how the press has been working for most of the 21st century, is to say things that will get more views, no matter how they skew the facts. Not lies, but you can make the facts look more or less supportive of a point-of-view if you present them in a certain way.. For example: They wrote about inflation constantly, and before it even hurt Biden, they talked about how it would surely hurt Biden. What you didn’t hear, all of this inflation was predicted because the world collapsed during the pandemic. Moreso because it was so poorly handled by Republicans but other nations did a poor job too, just not as bad as us. And as the world opened up, economists knew this was going to happen, because we already had terrible shortages and rising prices for some staples while still in the midst of lockdowns. Republicans don’t seem to remember that toilet paper was unavailable and going for $20 a 4 pack on ebay! That was before things even opened up. More egregious though, then even the media not reporting where the inflation came from, was not reporting that Biden’s economic agenda kept our inflation lower than just about every other developed nation in the world! He kept it lower, and brought it down quicker, than we have seen anywhere else! He did this while fostering an economy that has been growing briskly, employing everyone who wants a job and with rising salaries too. He did this while fulfilling the needs of the country that Republicans lied about or ignored throughout their previous presidencies, including Trump’s. For instance, finally investing in and rebuilding our infrastructure, invigorating the manufacturing sector and creating factory jobs, and improving technological research so that we stopped falling behind China. The United States had not moved ahead in any of these ways in decades, because Republican presidents ignored these pressing issues, allowed our country to fall behind our rivals and adversaries, and when they weren’t in the presidency, they used Congress to obstruct any gains Democratic presidents attempted to make. It was only Democratic presidents with a Democratic Congress, that have made any improvements. Obama managed to finally improve healthcare. Not completely and not as well as we all hoped, but the first meaningful improvements in half a century. Biden took a crumbling infrastructure, a shrinking technological lead and a bleak future dependent on fossil fuels, and improved our country! By the way, even if fossil fuels weren’t polluting and climate changing, they are LIMITED and they are controlled by ADVERSARIAL nations. Some of our electorate is so ignorant, so trained by Republicans to deny climate change, that they have forgotten that all our fossil fuel resources are finite, caused air and water pollution long before we talked about climate change, and the majority of those fuels are not controlled by our country, anyway. To not pursue clean, sustainable energy is a ridiculous, antiquated strategy Republican politicians hold onto because they are all too ignorant and/or too old to care about the future. HOWEVER, why their voters don’t care about the world that their children and grandchildren will inherit, is beyond me. Are they that ignorant, or is it such selfishness that they just don’t care about their future generations?

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