Saturday, January 20, 2024

Next in the large and growing series: Why everything bad can be blamed on Republicans. Let’s look at what is going on in Gaza and the MidEast.

We have Presidential election coming up, so it is important to visit the next in the large and growing series: Why everything bad can be blamed on Republicans. Let’s look at what is going on in Gaza and the MidEast. What Israel is doing to civilian Palestinians is unconscionable. Of course we understand why they are fighting in Gaza, as they suffered a brutal terrorist attack that killed over a thousand Israelis. Nevertheless, they need to show restraint for the civilian population, most of which have been forced on the run because of this fight. This is not a discussion about how they got to this point, or who is right or justified. This is about, how the Biden administration is, rightfully and morally correct, to be demanding Israel curtail the chaos that is leading to many thousands of Palestinian civilian deaths. And about why Israel thinks it’s okay to ignore these calls for restraint. The USA has a credibility problem. Back in 2001, Osama bin Laden, leading Al Qaeda, committed a horrific terrorist act against United States killing over a thousand Americans. These terrorists were based in Afghanistan and so the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. Makes sense. But then the Republican W. Bush administration in charge at the time, invaded Iraq. Iraq is a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. We knew this then and we know it now. That GOP administration manufactured false evidence to make it look like Iraq was a danger to the world. They did this, of course, because there was absolutely no reason for the U.S. to be in Iraq, because they had nothing to do with 9/11. During the U.S. invasion of that country, it is estimated that over 100,000 Iraqi civilians were killed. See the problem? We created a precedent where when you are assaulted by a horrific terrorist act, like we were in 9/11 and like Israel was by Hamas, that you can do whatever you want, and kill as many civilians as get in the way of what you want to do. There is one big difference between the two situations. Israel is fighting in the place where the terrorists are. The USA had no reason to be in Iraq. In addition, because it seems, Republican failures know no bounds, the precedent that was created, is just the latest disaster in a long line of problems related to these events. You may remember, Iraq was at war with Iran, and had kept Iran in check for over a decade. By the USA invading, taking out Iraq’s leader and debilitating its military, the U.S. created a resurgent Iran who has been a problem ever since, committing acts of terrorism, supporting Hezbollah and moving towards becoming a terrorist nuclear state. Once again proving, that when something bad is happening, the first place you should look for fault, is the Republican party of the USA. Who as you remember, under Trump, then pulled us out of the agreement that was keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear state. Of course, this is only one of a long series…from the MidEast, to Climate Change, to anti-education policies, racism sexism, antisemitism, an underestimated pandemic, huge deficits, tax policies that favor the wealthy, underperforming economies and children being shot in the schools as often as states have state fairs---there is almost no problem you can’t trace back to Republican policies, incompetence and failures.

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